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Our Plan

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Often, children and youth become victims due to the negative things spoken about them, to them, and over their lives. Because we know when God created mankind, He looked at everything and said it was good… Genesis 1:31. It is because of this Biblical Perspective, that we understand the need for children and youth to be taught who they are according to who God says they are, which are kings and queens, excellent, leaders, prosperous, and successful. Many times, in our experience in working with children and youth, we observed them doing things they thought was normal, but it is not normal. In helping and guiding children and youth, we will provide them with sound Biblical truths through teaching, instruction, and modeling what has been breathed by God Himself in the Bible. We will also engage children and youth in hands-on activities to help them better understand the world they live in and show them they can overcome any challenges they may have or eventually face in life. Our plan is to save as many children and youth from the world of destruction around them by helping them get closer to God in the way they conduct their lives, in obedience, in love, in holiness, and in righteousness.

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day... Genesis 1:31 (NIV)

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